
General Meetings

The HCBA meets on the first Thursday of each month, except December. Meetings are open to the public and all are welcome.  Meetings with be in person of via zoom.

General Meeting Format

The general meetings are informal affairs and last approximately 2 hours. The meetings typically begins at 6 PM and we go through club business than open up the floor to talk about honeybees.  We have a couple Master Beekeepers and lots of Apprentice level beekeepers (Ca Master Beekeeper Program through UC Davis)  available to answer questions.  After talking honey bees, the presentation is approximately 1 hour in length followed by Q & A.  At the end of the meeting we do prizes.  All paying members are automatically entered but you must be present to win.


Members – Meetings are free for those who have paid for an annual membership.

Non-members – People who are not members, including beekeepers and people just interested in beekeeping but don’t have bees are welcome and encouraged to attend.  We recommend making a donation to the club but it is not required.

Swarm List – Placement on the swarm list is optional to paying members only.

 General Meeting Location

Meetings are held at the Humboldt County Agricultural Department, located at 5630 South Broadway Eureka, CA 95501.  Since Covid we have been meeting digitally exclusively on Zoom